You don’t know where to start.

It’s overwhelming when you start planning out your business idea - what classes should I offer? how much can I charge? what’s the best way to advertise?

We’ll walk you through our framework to evidence need, price your services and get your classes under the nose of parents in your target market.


You have a plan but don’t know how to reach out to schools, children’s centres and community partners.

It takes time to build credibility and contacts within schools, and confidence to stand out against all the other organisations pitching to get the attention of headteachers and senior management staff. Follow the guidance in our marketing and networking module and build your credibility as the local go to expert for children's food education.


You’re breaking out in a sweat at the thought of all the legalities and safeguarding procedures you need to get in place.

It took us 6 months to research and complete due diligence BEFORE we ran a single class (and that’s as experienced teachers and educational consultants). Our module on legal and statutory requirements, provides a detailed checklist of everything you need (and don’t need).  And by the way, we update these policies and procedures EVERY YEAR, so all licensed Organic Cookery Tutor ™ will get access to updates and additions, as well as our branded policy templates and legal docs.


You feel overwhelmed with where to begin.

We offer a 10 module course, with an actionable step by step process to:

  • identify your niche market
  • get your legal templates and policies sorted
  • create a waiting list of schools and children’s centres ready to work with you
  • plan your marketing, networking and financial plan for the first 6 months
  • establish ways you can give back to your community plan for growth


You don’t have the time, money or inclination to research all this stuff.

You want to focus on creating and delivering your cookery classes and you want to get started ASAP.